02 February 2010

Slow going

It's winter, it's cold, it's dark all the time and living in a place like Chicago makes it feel like winter is just a wasted season. My energy is low, motivation is gone, and it takes so long to bundle up to go anywhere only so I can sweat in my jacket and piles of clothes I'm wearing because it's too much work to take them off and hold them.

It feels like nothing is happening although I try to remind myself that things ARE moving forward. I am continuing to submit to opportunities as I find them, although I decided not to complete my application for the Illinois Art Council grant. I was a little wary of the cash match portion which is required if you apply and with my unsteady finances I thought maybe I better not commit to it.

I submitted some of my large pieces from my past series to an art consulting group. I am hoping to move some of these giant pieces before I move again, but don't know quite where to start. I thought this might be an avenue but this was the response I received:
Hello Virginia,

I presented your work today. Although everyone liked it, everyone was in agreement that it would not work in our industry. I am sure you do quite well in the retail market.

Good luck in your career...
On a positive note, I will have 2 pieces included in the May issue of Perceptions literary magazine which is produced by students of Mt. Hood Community College.

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