30 July 2009

Time in: 2:30pm

Lately my artistic drive has been incredibly low. I've been pretty productive in the studio, but I think I'm experiencing that "I've been out of college for 5 years and what have I accomplished?!" sinking feeling. This "diary of my studio practice" is an attempt to keep myself going forward. 

Here's what I'm working on now:

To do: 
research fiberglass backing for hanging system

Rebecca (right half of diptych): 
  • Hair- looks plastic and fake. so does t-shirt
  • Skin- work on shading, both sides of face
  • mouth placement- what's going on?!
  • Nose- right side is totally crooked
  • skin tone- refine
  • develop eyes 
  • Shirt- needs development
  • Lips look funny
  • Chin? 
  • Smooth forehead
  • hair needs work
  • left side of face- too flat and dark
Harry Nilsson
Thom Yorke
Holly Golightly
Nick Drake

Get to work!

Sometimes it's hard to think of being an artist as a real job. If you're a studio artist, it's likely that you don't have a boss or co-workers, scheduled work hours or pre-determined objectives. You have to do all of it yourself. It's hard to have any accountability because no one is really watching to see if you are being productive or doing your job well.

Since I finished my undergraduate studies, I have been trying to create for myself an environment that I will be productive in. School provides deadlines, feedback, peers, competition... all things that I miss and am not productive without.  

This blog is my way of setting some accountability for myself. In my regular studio routine, I sit down before I start to paint and write a to-do list. I intend for this blog to record my to-do list and my thoughts on my process. It's purely a tool to remind myself that there is more work to be done, and to help me know that I have accomplished some things.