21 September 2009

Time in: 1:00pm + Mathew Cerletty

Every once and a while I check out Painting People, figure painting today  from the library. It has both portraits and figurative work with a wide variety of styles. One of the artists that I am always drawn to is Mathew Cerletty . Maybe it's because his portraits have a similar minimalism to them as mine do, and he often paints himself (like me), but  his have a distinct oddness to them and seem to reflect more specific inner narratives.

I'm probably also drawn to the patterning in a lot of them- bedsheets, wallpaper... if you are familiar with my work you know that I did a body of work titled "Ornament and Silence" using only decorative patterns as the subject matter. I blew the patterns up large scale and combined patterns from many time periods, styles and cultures.

As I'm reaching my goal for how many double portraits I've wanted to do, I've been thinking about what I'd like to do next- if I would like to continue with another portrait series and if so, how would it be different? Keeping it simple but with some added information is what I'm leaning towards. I have a few ideas that I'm bouncing around and after mulling them over there's usually one or two that seem to stick and I feel they are worth pursuing. 

Clean up studio
white out scott?
gesso paper for Asher portrait
Home Depot? - board and traps

The Murder Room by P.D. James
Tegan and Sara - The Con
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
The Books - The Lemon of Pink

(Images are of Mathew Cerletty's pieces entitled The Faux Pas and Last Chance Dance)

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